Lecture Medical Physics 2

Lecture: Medical Physics 2: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Nuclear Medicine

Tuesday (16:15–17:45) and Thursday (16:15–17:45)

Hörsaalgebäude Physik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 308, Hörsaal 2 (kleiner Hörsaal)

Starting date: 16. April 2024


List of Topics (subject to changes)

Credit points

To receive 6 credit points, passing an examination (tentatively oral) is required.

Folder for slides, lecture notes:


The required password will be shown during the lecture.

We recommend that you write your own notes during the lecture since copying from the blackboard to paper is known to improve understanding / remembering of the subjects addressed. The lecture notes will be made available at some point, not necessarily immediately after each lecture and may be incomplete.







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