Lecture: Medical Physics 2: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
Summer semester 2025
Tuesday (16:15–17:45 h) and Thursday (16:15–17:45 h)
Hörsaalgebäude Physik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 308, Hörsaal 2 (kleiner Hörsaal)
List of Topics (subject to changes)
Wolfgang Schlegel, Christian P. Karger, Oliver Jäkel (Herausgeber): Medizinische Physik : Grundlagen – Bildgebung – Therapie – Technik (2018);
online version
M. T. Vlaardingerbroek: Magnetresonanzbildgebung: Theorie und Praxis. (2003)
English version: "Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Theory and Practice."-
D. Weishaupt: Wie funktioniert MRI? (2014) (online)
english: How does MRI work?
(Basic introduction, however not sufficient to understand all necessary physical principles.) -
Reiser, Semmler: Magnetic Resonance Tomography (2008) (online)
R. Buxton: Introduction to functional magnetic resonance imaging (2002)
A. Abragam: The principles of Nuclear Magnetism (1961)
Literature links point to UB Heidelberg items. Some cases, there are different reprints of the same book in the library. Therefore, in case a book should not be available, it may be worth searching for the title in the UB system.