Seminar: Methods of Physics in Biology and Medicine
Wintersemester 2024/25
Tuesday, 18:00 (s.t.) – 19:30 h
(This seminar is offered every summer and winter semester. Information on the seminar in the past Summer Semester 2024)
Registration is performed via heiCO. Please register until September 15. After this date, you will be asked to choose your talk subject from the list below as well as the date for your talk. A link for performing this choice will be provided.
Two talks will be possible per date. In case there will be free dates after September 15, they will be filled via this website. Information will be provided later here.
This seminar will be offered in hybrid mode.
On 15.10.2024, there will be a short meeting to discuss questions (no talk).
You can participate either in person in INF 223, Room number F.01.088 or online via Zoom. The seminar will be transmitted via a room video conferencing system. See plan for location of the seminar room below.
To receive 6 credit points: talk, written report and regular attendance are required.
- duration of talk: 40 min + 5 min questions (in case there is only one talk on the specific date, talks are allowed to be longer, if desired.)
- Talks will be given on-site at DKFZ and in parallel be transmitted via Zoom.
- written report: overview of the presented
topic, maximum 10 pages, to be handed in until
01. April 2025
(Please submit your report, the slides of
your talk and your
matriculation number [Matrikel-Nr.])
PD Dr. Tristan A. Kuder (, Prof. Joao Seco (, Prof. Dr. Leif Schröder (
- Ultrasound imaging (US)
- Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Physics of nuclear spin systems / Nuclear magnetism
- NMR imaging of tissue water protons (MRI)
- Fast MRI / Echo–planar imaging (EPI) / Advanced k–space–readout techniques
- Compressed–sensing MRI
- Diffusion-Weighted MRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) (lesion detection, brain connectivity mapping)
- Perfusion imaging: MRI contrast agents, arterial spin labeling (ASL)
- Functional MRI (fMRI) for measuring brain activation
- X–nuclei imaging (17O, 23Na, 39K, 3He...)
- Hyperpolarization of nuclear spin systems
- Xenon-based molecular sensors
- 1D and 2D high–resolution NMR spectroscopy
- In vivo NMR spectroscopy (MRS)
- Monitoring energy metabolism in vivo with 31P NMR
- Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- PET hybrid devices (PET/CT, MR/PET)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fluorescence imaging and immunofluorescence
- Bioluminescence imaging
- Phase contrast microscopy
- Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED)
- Single–plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) / Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFP)
- Thin light–sheet microscopy (TLSM)
- Spectral precision distance microscopy (SPDM)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Hyperthermic therapy
- Simulations of hyperthermia therapy
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Auto–regulation / Feedback systems biology
- Systems biology and enzymatic systems
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter
- Radiobiology (effects of ionizing radiation on biological systems / cells)
- Radiation chemistry and radiation bio–chemistry
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Planning of radiotherapeutic treatments: 2D and 3D planning techniques, excluding IMRT
- Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
- FLASH radiotherapy
- Image–guided radiotherapy (IGRT): Cone–Beam–CT
- Volumetric arc therapy (VMAT), Rapid Arc, Tomotherapy
- Physics of radiotherapy with protons, in particular eye treatments
- Radiotherapy with heavy ions
- Laser ion / proton acceleration
- Radionuclide therapy
- Brachytherapy
- Radio–immunotherapy
- MR–guided radiotherapy (MR–Linac / MR–cobalt therapy)
- Stereotactic body radiation (SBRT)
- Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)
- Radiography with ions
- Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy
- Photoacoustic imaging
Access to the seminar room: Due to a construction site, access to the main entrance is not obvious: Please refer to the following map:
Coming from the west (point A), walk along the northern side of the building in east direction to the construction site (blue line on the map), go up the stairs to the main entrance. In the main entrance hall, go the white staircase up to the first floor. You will be directly in front of the seminar room (see red markers on the map).